Honestly in my personal history, I have never been so lucky with it being labeled the C Drive, just always some random letter it seems. You will need to do some extra work to figure out what drive you want, and with this, it takes some knowledge of using DOS (and "DISKPART" if you want to make it a little easier).
Keep in mind I have not done this with Win10, but before hand while doing this, the Windows partition is rarely ever labeled as the "C:" drive. However, on this step left off at right here is an issue. I copy "utilman.exe" to "" and copy "cmd.exe" to "utilman.exe" for Windows 10!Ĭhanges can be reverted when you log back in to windows too.
#Falcon four boot cd windows 8 install#
You can now log into that account, but be sure sometime soon to boot into the windows install disk again to undo the renaming.Now my Preferred way too, Used to use chntpw\ntpasswd from UBCD\Hiren.įollow the above way and COPY cmd.exe will give you a command prompt with System privileges. You can now log into that account, but be sure sometime soon to boot into the windows install disk again to undo the renaming.You're the reason why I dislike the students on our school. To change the password type net user username new-password (this will change the password without you needing to know the old one) Type net user and hit enter to list the accounts on the local computer Reboot and let the computer boot from the hard drive, get to the point where it is asking for the password, then hit shift several times, a cmd windows will open Type rename cmd.exe sethc.exe and hit enter (note this renames cmd to the sticky key program)
Type rename sethc.exe sethc.old and hit enter (note this renames the sticky key program to sethc.old) Once that loads up, click on trouble shoot or advanced options, which ever is there, basically look around until you see CMD, once you find it, click on it to launch it. Ok, so grab a windows install disk, and boot from itĪccept the language options but where it says install now, look in the bottom left corner it will have a repair my computer button, click on that